Friday, November 18, 2011

Language and Math for Friday, November 18, 2011


Bell work:  The results of the classes speed typing test is below.  I was impressed with the number of students who can already type at speeds of over 40 words per minute.  That was the speed that I needed to get a B grade in Grade 9 typing (back in the day).  For students who aren’t in the 30 – 40 word per minute range yet, you should try to develop your typing skills using some of the tools suggested on the Study Tools page.  Try to use all of your fingers and develop the ability to type without looking at them.  I’ll buy lunch for the first student who can beat me (64 wpm with 2 mistakes).


Awesome – The Three A’s of Awesome

  • We watched Neil Pasricha’s inspiring TED talk about how his Book of Awesome came to be and began working on a class list of awesome things.
  • We crashed most of our computers and the online document because too many of us were working on it at the same time, so our homework is now to come up with a list of 10 awesome things, along with short explanations of why those things are awesome.
  • We will be working toward “TED” style talks of our own.


We continued working on the math from yesterday as students did not have enough time to finish it and were having trouble with constructing some of the figures. 

  1. Today’s Lesson: Chapter 3, Lesson 4 – Constructing Figures (Pages 92-95)
  2. Learning Goals:
    • Figures can be combined to create other figures.
    • A figure can be constructed using a protractor and a ruler, or a compass and a ruler, given the lengths of its sides and the measures of its angles.
  3. Additional Resources:
  4. Classwork: Practice Questions 1, 2, 4, & 6-9
  5. Homework Book: Pages 38-39  (Please have complete on Monday for a homework check).